lesen - Translation into English - examples German - Reverso
German Lesen Conjugation. Instructor: Alexander von Sternberg. Reading is an important skill, especially when learning another language. Learn to conjugate the German verb 'lesen…
Lesen - Verb conjugation in German. Learn how to conjugate lesen in various tenses. Present: ich lese, du liest, er liest German verb conjugation lesen to the masculine. Strong verb (e > a > e > ie).
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The irregular German verb 'lesen': The verb 'lesen' (to read) means to capture a written text with the mind. Examles: -Ich lese die Zeitung. - I read the newspaper. -Habt ihr das neue Buch schon … The conjugation of 'lesen' to match plural and singular pronouns Skills Practiced. Problem solving - use acquired knowledge to solve German conjugation practice problems 'lesen' conjugation table in German Go to the definition page of lesen. Indicative Subjunctive Imperative. Infinitive lesen. Past Participle gelesen. Gerund liest wir lesen ihr lest sie/Sie lesen. Preterite ich las du lasest er/sie/es las wir lasen ihr last sie/Sie lasen. Future ich werde lesen du wirst lesen er/sie/es wird lesen … German Lesen Conjugation. Instructor: Alexander von Sternberg. Reading is an important skill, especially when learning another language. Learn to conjugate the German verb 'lesen… “lesen”: “du liest – er/sie/es liest” Unfortunately, there are also some exception in the conjugation of verbs in the German present tense.
Lesen conjugation table | Collins German Verbs
'lesen' conjugation table in German. Go to the definition page of lesen. IndicativeSubjunctiveImperative. Infinitive. lesen. Past Participle. gelesen German verb conjugation lesen to the masculine. Strong verb (e > a > e > ie). German verb conjugation lesen in all tenses. German verb conjugation. Accents: ich werde lesen du wirst lesen er/sie/es wird lesen wir werden lesen ihr werdet lesen sie/Sie werden lesen…
Conjugation of lesen to read in German coLanguage
'lesen' conjugation table in German. Go to the definition page of lesen. IndicativeSubjunctiveImperative. Infinitive. lesen. Past Participle. gelesen German verb conjugation lesen to the masculine. Strong verb (e > a > e > ie). German verb conjugation lesen in all tenses. German verb conjugation. Accents: ich werde lesen du wirst lesen er/sie/es wird lesen wir werden lesen ihr werdet lesen sie/Sie werden lesen… Conjugate the German verb lesen: future, participle, present. See German conjugation models. Translate lesen in context, with examples of use and Conjugation of the verb Lesen in all tenses: future, present and past. Conjugation trainer for memorizing forms. The conjugation of the verb “lesen” in the form of the past tense also often causes difficulty, and this is all because it is not conformed by the rules. “I read” will be said as “ich las”, and further: du … Conjugation of "lesen". Conjugate over 10,000 German verbs and get useful information (translations, example sentences, etc.)
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1 Meaning of "lesen" in German; 2 Grammar of "lesen" 3 Conjugation of "lesen" 3.1 Present simple (Präsens Indikativ) 3.2 Perfect (Perfekt) 3.3 Simple past (Präteritum) 3.4 Subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) 3.5 Participle (Partizip) 3.6 Imperative (Imperativ) 4 Verbs with the stem "lesen" 2020. 2. 26. Here are the conjugation and expressions of German verb lesen, to read. It is considered a strong verb. Conjugation German verb lesen (read, …): in present, past, subjunctive, perfect, many examples, translations, grammar, rules, speech output, definitions The irregular German verb 'lesen': The verb 'lesen' (to read) means to capture a written text with the mind. Examles: -Ich lese die Zeitung. - I read the newspaper. -Habt ihr das neue Buch schon gelesen? - Did you already read the new book? Study German - Lesen Conjugation with flashcards, multiple choice questions, and games. Master concepts like I read, You read and more. German Lesen Conjugation. Instructor: Alexander von Sternberg. Reading is an important skill, Conjugation verb lesen in German. Conjugation verb. lesen. in German. Irregular conjugation for the verb "lesen" and its compounds: loss of -s in the the second person singular form of Present Indicative (du liest). Replacement of -e- in the stem of Present tense with -ie- for the second and third person singular form of Present tense and singular form of Imperative , and with -a- for the Preterite ("ich las") and in Past Participle ("gelesen").
Conjugate "lesen" - German conjugation - bab.la verb conju…
El Verbo irregular lesen en Alemán. 1 Significado de lesen en alemán. 2 Gramática de lesen. 3 Conjugación de lesen. 3.1 Presente Indicativo (Präsens Indikativ) 3.2 Perfecto (Perfekt) 3.3 … 1 Meaning of "lesen" in German; 2 Grammar of "lesen" 3 Conjugation of "lesen" 3.1 Present simple (Präsens Indikativ) 3.2 Perfect (Perfekt) 3.3 Simple past (Präteritum) 3.4 Subjunctive II (Konjunktiv II) 3.5 Participle (Partizip) 3.6 Imperative (Imperativ) 4 Verbs with the stem "lesen" 2020. 2. 26. Here are the conjugation and expressions of German verb lesen, to read. It is considered a strong verb.
Konjugation lesen | Konjugieren verb lesen | Reverso ...
Conjugación irregular del verbo "lesen"y sus derivados: pérdida de -s en 2a persona sing. de presente de indicativo ("du liest"), alteración de -e- radical en -ie- en 2a y 3a persona sing. de … Start studying Lesen Conjugation. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Meaning of "lassen" in German. The verb "lassen" means:. 1.-to leave (in the sense of leaving something / someone at some place). Lassen Sie den Wagen hier Leave the car here. Warum hast du mich …
Conjugation “lesen” read, - all forms of the verb, examples…
Dalam plural, gambar berikut: 1 orang: wir lesen - kita baca. 2 orang: Jangan gunakan - anda (apabila merujuk kepada sekumpulan orang yang bercakap dengan "anda") membaca. 3 orang: Sesi dan sie lesen. Conjugation di sini berlaku mengikut peraturan bahasa Jerman.